Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Circle Maker

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." That is the first prayer I ever learned. It's simple, it rhymes, and it's a little bit scary. But as an adult, do my prayers measure up? Are they so luke warm that God is bored with them? Are they so vague that we don't need God to make them come true?

I know I have been guilty of this in the past. I think when it gets right down to it, prayer is a little bit scary. There is always a chance that our prayers will go unanswered. So if I don't ask, I won't have to feel rejected. God's will is not always my will, and that is hard. But what if we prayed within God's will? What if we were relentless in our prayers. There would be no limits.

Over the next four weeks, we are going to explore the book "The Circle Maker". I am about 40 pages in and it is a great read. I believe that this is a book that will change lives. We have all underestimated the power of prayer. I know I have. I encourage everyone to get in a small group so we can discover the legend of Honi together.


  1. I expect that all of our prayers are answered. Some are long prayers that take time to answer. Some are harmful prayers that is not for the best for all and thus answered with Wisdom that one might not understand in the current frame of reference. Some I know are not real prayers buy escapes, which God answers by keeping it real. A prayer is answered to help us understand more -- to have a higher vantage point so that we can see farther...until we get to the next vantage point if we embrace God's answer and plan for us.
    I appreciate your "scared emotions". For me I fear how things will change in the "today" when it is answered.... and I am not a patient person so God has to remind me all of the time it is His Time, not my time.

  2. He saved me to use me for His glory! If my prayers don't leave any room for His power, might - the impossible for me, I am not praying prayers worthy of my salvation! God wants to do so much in and through our lives!!
