Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Lenten Project: Day 2

Today was a good day. Nothing extreme, but certainly a good day. I did have a moment this morning that made me smile. I am pretty sure God was smiling too. We do that sometimes, smile in tandem.

I have a Bible app on my phone called You Version. With it comes a daily verse and I love this feature. They are completely random and more than once God has used this to speak to me. Today was one of those days.

The verse was Isaiah 61:7. Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

After what seemed like a defeat yesterday, this came as a music to my soul. Every day comes to us a fresh, and He wanted me to remember that. He knows my words before they are spoken, and still he gives me a double portion.

Disappoints are a part of life, But that can not be my focus. Everlasting joy is not a thing of the past, it is right here and now. If I'm not careful, I'll miss out on the joy trying to fix what He has already forgiven me for.

I don't know if God just smiled or not, but I sure know that I just did.


  1. Trish, loving your posts. Having already given up all my normal vices in the ongoing effort to be Daniel Strong I reflected on what I need help from God to get me through to better not just my life. I landed on my children. I will admit that being home on weekends with 4 kids fighting, yelling and running during tge winter leads to me yelling. I don't like yelling at the kids and know there is a better response to the chaos that is sometimes our life. So, with God's help I'm striving to give up yelling. As I type this on Friday evening the noise level has already had Matt and I struggling to hear each other in the same room. I thank God for a finished basement filled with children activities and will lean on God to help better our atmisphere starting with me.

  2. I think we have all been there. I know I have been. Keep us posted on how it goes!
