Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mary's Prayer

Oh Heavenly Father,

As I sit here tonight, I wonder, why me?
 How am I equipped to do this thing, which I am so obviously called to do?
As I ponder this, I know it really does not matter.
 Here I am, holding this magnificent baby boy.
When he looks up at me, the whole world melts away.
 I get lost in his love.
It’s almost like he IS love.
I want you to know Father, that I will do my best to raise your son.
 I will feed him, and change him, and sing him to sleep.
I will do all the things that you cannot do here on earth.
But Father, don’t ask me not to love him, because I already do.
He holds my heart in those tiny little fingers.
No matter what tomorrow holds for us,
this future king will always be my little boy.
Written by
Trish McAllister
December 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Reclaiming Christmas

I love Christmas, I really do. I love the music, I love the food, I love the corny Christmas specials on TV, I love giving presents, and I love receiving them too! Wait, I was supposed to mention Jesus too. Oh rats, and I have already clicked on publish!!! How embarrassing!!!! What ever will pastor Hector think.....

OK, you got me. I did that on purpose. But how many of us think that way. When you go through the lists of chores in your mind, does thanking God for the greatest gift of all, ever show up on that list?  Oh, but I have a good reason for it. First I had that party, then I had to get the Christmas cards out (I just hate the Christmas cards.), then there was shopping and wrapping and more shopping. There just was not time.

Here is the thing, God does not want our excuses, He wants our heart. He wants us to stop the madness for ten seconds and just say thank you. He wants us to understand what all the fuss is about.
No, He wants us to feel it in our soul. You see, if we did, it wouldn't just change this season, it would change our lives.

So join me in reclaiming Christmas. Nothing crazy or extreme like no presents. Let's promise to thank God every day between now and Christmas. Let's thank Him for that little boy, that grew to be the man, that changed  the world.