Sunday, January 20, 2013

Circle the Wagons

Well, we all should have drawn a few circles by now. Our Bibles should look like a one sided tic tac toe game. But do those circles have a "if you would just" in them? I know that I have prayed a few of those in the past. And yes, they may have included a parking spot at Kohl's.

It's easy to hear a no for a parking spot, but not so easy to hear no to a healing. Let's face it, I'm not very fond of the word in any circumstance. That is why I am trying to change the way I pray. Why would I want to limit God? This is the God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask.

Limit Him, I think not.

Though I will not share all of my circles, I will share one. I have circled the United Methodist Women, otherwise know as UMW. I will also tell you this. I am not limiting God with a specific list of wants. His imagination is WAY better than mine. I ask for his blessings and let him fill in the blanks.

So let us "Circle the wagons" so to speak. Circle our lives and circle our dreams. I just can't wait to see how He answers this one!

1 comment:

  1. I love in the Book of Numbers God responds to Moses: "There is no limit to my power!"
