Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Time to Stop Holding Him Back

Today's post is a little different. I was moved to write it before the sermon. That is how much I believe in the message this week. I am not sure what Pastor Dennis will be saying this weekend, but my message is simple..... We serve a great God, it is time to stop holding him back.

For a moment, let me take you back a few years. I had been attending church on a regular basis. That means that I had given God my 1 hour per week. If I was really good, I might even to go Sunday school and anty up 2 hours that week. Let's see, I picked up my son from Today's Tomorrow. That takes at least 15 minutes. That puts me up to 2 and a 1/4 hours out of the 168 hours in a week. And lets not even talk about the collection plate. Oh no, don't try to get in my check book. I gave my $1 per day, whether the church needed it or not. If God is that great....he will turn it into $700...

I think this probably sounds familiar to some. If not the entire rant, then some portion there of. I think most of us have a trust problem when it comes to the big Guy. "I can only give X, that is all I can afford." "I can only do Y, that is all the time I have" Are we limiting God? Shutting him down before he even gets a word in. For all we know, souls are being lost because of our inaction. We have to trust God!!! I think I should say that again.....We have to trust God!!!!

What I am calling you to do this week is simple. It's not sell the house. It's not cash in the 401K. It's not even as small as giving up that designer coffee. All I want you to do this week is pray. Ask God what He wants you to do. Not just once, but every day. He will answer you. For some, the answer will be to volunteer more. For others, it will be to tithe. And for a very few, well, who knows. We do serve a great God with an even greater imagination. After all, He took this heavy metal girl and made her as a Sunday School teacher. (I think this also proves he has a sense of humor)

1 comment:

  1. Test...I think I may have fixed the comment problem!!!
