Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Miraculous Among the Mundane

Can you find the miracle in the disappointments of your life? It's not easy, is it? Last Sunday Pastor Hector took us back to the pages of Exodus for a look at the mathematical miracle. We looked at what a miracle it was that the Israelites existed in the desert for 40 years. Even in their disobedience, God provided for their every need. Food, clothing, shelter....everyday was a miracle. Did they know it? Did they praise God for it? I don't know about your Bible, but not in mine.  We humans are kind of bad about that, overlooking God's presence. Are you missing the miraculous in the mundane? I am not talking about every day being a gift. (Even though it is) I am talking about when our first love broke our heart, when we got fired, or even when we lost a loved one. I won't disagree that it is hard to see when you are in the middle of it all. But when we look back, can't we see that had we not got our heart broke, we would not of met our husband? That after getting fired, we were able to get a better job that we enjoyed more.

Next time you are in the middle of life's storm, remember that God is always in control. He loved us enough to send his son for us. He will most certainly take care of us every day.

1 comment:

  1. Trish, I love this. It is so true. But, I am the worst of all about not seeing God's blessings in the every day desert of life. Thanks for the reminder.
