Saturday, February 16, 2013

Politics and Religion

Emily Post once advised that it was "bad manners" to discuss politics or religion in public. Here I am about to discuss both. If I were to be completely honest, I would tell you that I was tempted not to blog on this topic. There is nothing that gets people wound up quicker than politics. It is for that reason, I thought I would just skip it. Then I realized, that would be just thing that would cause Jesus to call attention to a bit of lumber in my eye.

So here I am, talking about the thing, that I desperately want to avoid. But that is how he works, isn't it? Bringing the uncomfortable to the forefront in hopes that we will learn just a little. For me, the Lord has been prompting me to pray for those people who make my life difficult. And I don't mean " Dear Lord, please make sure Jane Doe gets whats coming to her." I mean to genuinely ask that the Lord be with her.Can you imagine what would happen if each time I wanted to lip off about what a bad job congress was doing, I prayed for them instead.

Now maybe, I should take it to take it to the next level. Instead of getting on my soap box, I just look in the mirror. Could I learn something from their actions. Maybe the reason it hits a nerve, is that I see a bit of myself in it all. After all, those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Pastor Dennis has certainly given us something to think about. What has this sermon cultivated in your heart? Share below what God has laid upon your heart.

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